Friday, January 20, 2017

Question Responses

Question Responses

1. I took an Information Technology class for 3 years in high school. Currently taking a programming and graphic design class.

2. I had several lessons in high school using both programs for about 3 months.

3. I have a computer at home but it doesn't have Photoshop or Illustrator.

4. My major is Computer Graphics.

5. I hope to be able to have the ability to help someone out who is in need of photo editing.

6. My favorite artist is Logic.

7. My favorite musician is Michael Jackson.

8. My favorite super hero is Spider-Man.

9.        This guy woke up in the middle of the night. He looked at his clock and it showed "1:34." He noticed that his bed was wet, and quickly jumped out of it. Upon switching his sheets, he started remembering a dream. This monster was chasing him around his home that he grew up in as a child. Oh no, this was no dream. He had a NIGHTMARE! And the more he thought about the nightmare, he put a name to the monster that was following him. And it's name was... DUMBO THE ELEPHANT!

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