Friday, April 28, 2017

Final Project


Black and White Version: 

Business Card:

Company Idea

     My company is Bottle Throttle, and we produce bottle caps for a variety of drinks. We aim to create bottle cap designs that are unique and stand out above all the standard ones. I am looking for a company logo to have our name on it and replace the O's with bottle caps of the same design. A maroon canvas would be pleasing to go with this design. This will be the poster for all of our bottle caps and I hope for it to be a symbol that makes people go, "Hey look, don't they make those special bottle caps?"

7433 Coconut Ave,
New York City, New York
Tel: 856-111-1001 Fax: (070) 412 3456

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Homework #8

       J.J. Abrams' inspiration came from his grandfather, and the mystery of a magic box he bought as a child. The theme of mystery plays a part in his creations, and grabs it from other's as well. Towards the end of his speech, he pointed out that creation is always growing and the future has a lot of potential. Anyone can create something, no matter the quality, and someone else may gain inspiration from that. He will never open up that mystery box, as it is a representation for his grandfather.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Homework #7

   I believe that several of these tips to avoid are pretty much common sense. Especially those interested in design. For example, correct spacing is a component that should always be considered a priority. I thought the "avoid windows and orphans" rule was pretty cool. I have noticed them before in the past and have considered them unappealing. One thing I learned was not to use an ampersand within the body; never knew that there were restrictions to using to it.

Pen Tool Assignment

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Movie Plot

       The plot of my movie deals with food, gross food to be exact. A teenager and his dad's best friend go out for a meal. The thing is, none of them had money to pay for the meal. In order to get themselves out of the situation, they are offered with a special meal.The meal consists of a salad and the most filthy, unique delicacy ever heard of. No one has ever had the guts to eat, and some vomit at the look and smell of it. Will they go through the expense of eating an excruciating meal just to pay off their actual dinner?

Homework #6


One of my favorite movie posters has to be the "Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice" poster. Batman is one of my favorite super hero from DC and I was really excited for this film. The plot pitted two big, respectable heroes against each other. The hype for this idea is similar to "Captain America: Civil War" where again, two heroes had a conflict with each other. Though the film was did not receive good criticism, I enjoyed it. Just look at them, two serious badasses ready to fight each other.


Monday, February 27, 2017

Homework #5

     Inspiration can be drawn from anywhere, such as how Dustin gained his motives from an agency in Los Angeles. Designing a movie poster can come with multiple questions and directions, For example, there could be a focus of one scene; is the poster a final product, or a teaser. Whatever it may be, these attributes affect the poster's final look and should grab a person's attention. Just like any work field, it seems as you can develop relationships that grow strong and can benefit you, such as being hired by the same person repeatedly. Practice makes perfect and the first creation of a product won't be perfect of course.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Homework #4

       Design has come a long way, going as far back as the 1800s. It makes sense that design should start with humans. More than likely, a person would be handling or using a piece of equipment or any form of creation. Innovation, regarding design, leads to new ideas and creations that could benefit society. What you thought was nice and cool, could have more potential some day in the future. Just like providing water for the poorest people, a creation made for one situation can benefit groups outside of that criteria.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Homework #3

        I can relate to Dave Perillo in the way that he finds inspiration for his art. He enjoyed cartoons as a kid and I enjoyed video games as a child and wish to pursue that career field. I think it's important to note that he started making his own art, and posting online. This transitioned into an opportunity once his work was noticed. Like he mentioned, finding your own craft or something makes you stand out is an essential attribute. It could be the one difference when being elevted for a position.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Homework #2

           My first thought while listening to the words of the speaker was that when a creation is so incredible, a strong amusement grows over it. As the video progressed, I learned that along your studies, you aren’t completely sure of the direction you’re supposed to head in and may find new passions. When you create something, you should think of a much bigger picture, as Neil thought of the human body while developing his chair. Past projects can be modified to create an innovative project, such as a sequel to game. The process can be time consuming but what is important is the final outcome.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Homework #1

       The idea of "ruining a great design" made me think "how do you even do that?" The diverted cyclists sign wasn't even as bad as the author described it. Once it was pointed out, I noticed the problem, which isn't even all that problematic. After finishing the article, I learned that a design has to be keen. And if it is successful, there is no point in changing it. As the author made it clear, some things are better left untouched.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Question Responses

Question Responses

1. I took an Information Technology class for 3 years in high school. Currently taking a programming and graphic design class.

2. I had several lessons in high school using both programs for about 3 months.

3. I have a computer at home but it doesn't have Photoshop or Illustrator.

4. My major is Computer Graphics.

5. I hope to be able to have the ability to help someone out who is in need of photo editing.

6. My favorite artist is Logic.

7. My favorite musician is Michael Jackson.

8. My favorite super hero is Spider-Man.

9.        This guy woke up in the middle of the night. He looked at his clock and it showed "1:34." He noticed that his bed was wet, and quickly jumped out of it. Upon switching his sheets, he started remembering a dream. This monster was chasing him around his home that he grew up in as a child. Oh no, this was no dream. He had a NIGHTMARE! And the more he thought about the nightmare, he put a name to the monster that was following him. And it's name was... DUMBO THE ELEPHANT!