Friday, April 28, 2017

Final Project


Black and White Version: 

Business Card:

Company Idea

     My company is Bottle Throttle, and we produce bottle caps for a variety of drinks. We aim to create bottle cap designs that are unique and stand out above all the standard ones. I am looking for a company logo to have our name on it and replace the O's with bottle caps of the same design. A maroon canvas would be pleasing to go with this design. This will be the poster for all of our bottle caps and I hope for it to be a symbol that makes people go, "Hey look, don't they make those special bottle caps?"

7433 Coconut Ave,
New York City, New York
Tel: 856-111-1001 Fax: (070) 412 3456

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Homework #8

       J.J. Abrams' inspiration came from his grandfather, and the mystery of a magic box he bought as a child. The theme of mystery plays a part in his creations, and grabs it from other's as well. Towards the end of his speech, he pointed out that creation is always growing and the future has a lot of potential. Anyone can create something, no matter the quality, and someone else may gain inspiration from that. He will never open up that mystery box, as it is a representation for his grandfather.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Homework #7

   I believe that several of these tips to avoid are pretty much common sense. Especially those interested in design. For example, correct spacing is a component that should always be considered a priority. I thought the "avoid windows and orphans" rule was pretty cool. I have noticed them before in the past and have considered them unappealing. One thing I learned was not to use an ampersand within the body; never knew that there were restrictions to using to it.

Pen Tool Assignment